ARF’s Top Ten
Every cat and and dog adopted from ARF is as unique as the family that brings them home.
As you consider adding a pet to your family, please don’t overlook ARF’s Top Ten. Some have special medical needs. Others may have behavior issues that require them to be the only animal in the home, or they may need consultations with you and our animal behaviorist. And then there are those who have simply been overlooked. All deserve a loving home.
Assistance to future adopters for special needs of some on ARF’s Top Ten list has been generously underwritten by the Kit Kat Fund and the ARF Scholarship Fund. Contact our adoptions team at or call 631-537-0400 x203 seven days a week.
See past members of ARF’s Top Ten who have been adopted
If you can’t adopt but would like to help, please consider underwriting the adoption fee for one of ARF’s Top Ten or make a monthly contribution to underwrite their care until they are adopted. Contact us at to find out how.
#ARF’s Top Ten
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