Volunteer Orientation @ ARF Adoption Center
Feb 7 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

We love volunteers! Even one hour a week will help make a difference in the life of a homeless animal. 

Before beginning your volunteer journey at ARF, every volunteer is required to attend a brief orientation at the ARF Adoption Center, during which they will be introduced to ARF animals and staff members and given a brief training session on ARF rules and protocol. Volunteers must be 16 years old.

Please sign up for an orientation date using the link here.



Volunteer Orientation @ ARF Adoption Center
Feb 10 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

We love volunteers! Even one hour a week will help make a difference in the life of a homeless animal. 

Before beginning your volunteer journey at ARF, every volunteer is required to attend a brief orientation at the ARF Adoption Center, during which they will be introduced to ARF animals and staff members and given a brief training session on ARF rules and protocol. Volunteers must be 16 years old.

Please sign up for an orientation date using the link here.



Feral Cat TNR Clinic @ ARF Adoption Center
Feb 13 @ 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

ARF will hold free Feral Cat TNR Clinics at the ARF Adoption Center on

Thursday, February 13

We are limited in the number of feral cats we can spay/neuter on any given day. You must call 631-537-0400 option #2 to make an appointment or get more information.

Volunteer Orientation @ ARF Adoption Center
Feb 27 @ 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

We love volunteers! Even one hour a week will help make a difference in the life of a homeless animal. 

Before beginning your volunteer journey at ARF, every volunteer is required to attend a brief orientation at the ARF Adoption Center, during which they will be introduced to ARF animals and staff members and given a brief training session on ARF rules and protocol. Volunteers must be 16 years old.

Please sign up for an orientation date using the link here.



Pet Celebration Day @ ARF Adoption Center
May 17 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Bring the whole family, pets too, for a tail-wagging pet fair dedicated to the joy our cats and dogs bring. Learn about ARF’s programs and services while enjoying other attractions and local business vendors, along with food, food trucks, music,  the dog agility course, and much more. Admission is free for the whole family!

For sponsorship opportunities, please email: meaghan@arfhamptons.org

Bow Wow Meow Ball @ ARF - William P. Rayner Training Center
Aug 16 @ 6:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Bow Wow Meow Ball @ ARF - William P. Rayner Training Center

Enjoy an elegant evening of dinner and dancing in support of the cats and dogs at ARF Hamptons. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres in the garden tent at 6:30 PM, followed by dinner and dancing in the William P. Rayner Training Center at ARF. The evening includes heartwarming videos, music, a live auction, and culminates with ARF’s Parade of Animals!

For sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to meaghan@arfhamptons.org

Stroll to the Sea Dog Walk @ Mulford Farm
Oct 11 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Stroll to the Sea Dog Walk @ Mulford Farm

SAVE THE DATE for ARF’s 32nd Annual Stroll to the Sea Dog Walk on Saturday, October 11th at Mulford Farm in East Hampton!

Don’t miss out on the biggest dog event in the Hamptons! This annual charity walk is a vital source of funding for the animal shelter – start fundraising today!

A day of pure joy that many call “the best day of the year” – join hundreds of dogs and their humans for an exciting event. Shop and mingle with top pet companies, enjoy fun contests and giveaways, snap a picture at the photo booth, and bid on amazing items in the silent auction – all for the love of animals!

Join people and their pups for a stroll to Main Beach to see the most epic round of zoomies. We promise it’s an event you don’t want to miss!

Want to get your brand in front of 600+ animal lovers and their four-legged friends while supporting animal rescue? For sponsorship opportunities, please email meaghan@arfhamptons.org