ARF Board of Directors 2025

Michael Franzino, President
Katharine Rayner, Executive Vice President
Jay Kuhlman, DVM, Vice President
Barbara Washkowitz, Vice President
Paulo Baia, Treasurer
Michele Backman, Secretary
Barbara Slifka, Secretary Emerita
Lisa McCarthy, Past President

Guenther E. Greiner
Gordon H. Hoppe
Zoe Kamitses
Shahab Karmely
Dale Ellen Leff
Nicole Leibman, DVM
Robert Liberman
Christina MacDonald
Isabelle Trapnell Marino
Elizabeth Mellgard Nelson
Alex Papachristidis
Danielle Pluthero
Sandra Powers
Robert Russell
Ellen Scarborough
Zach Siegel
Amy Sullivan

ARF Founders

Barbara Hotchkiss Posener*
Sony Schotland*
Dorothy Wahl

Honorary Board

Polly Bruckmann*
Frances Hayward
William P. Rayner*
Sony Schotland*

ARF Staff

Executive Director and CEO
Kimberly Nichols

Veterinarian Office
ext. 204

Director of Operations
Vanessa Petruccelli
ext. 224

Shelter Director
Debbie Downs
ext. 206

Adoptions Director
Bridget Stonemetz
ext. 203 

Director of Training Programs, William P. Rayner Training Center
Caryl Glaab
ext. 225

Training Liaison
Frank A. Hanna
ext. 212

Chief Development Officer
Kristina Curatolo
ext. 219

Marketing & Communications Director
Jamie Berger
ext. 215

ARF Thrift & Treasure Shop 
Gary Mannes

ext. 217

Development Officer
Meaghan Forrestal
ext. 208

Marketing & Communications Associate
Tess Pintchik
ext. 222

Development Assistant
Krissy Feleppa
ext. 220

Operation Cat & Cattery Coordinator
Jessica Quaresimo
ext. 205

Please send all email correspondence with staff members name in the subject line to
