UPDATE: May 12, 2022
Earlier this week, the New York State Senate approved S.1130, to shut down the puppy mill pipeline and end the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores across the state.
The bill must now be approved by the Assembly, where it is currently before the Assembly Codes Committee for consideration.
Every puppy mill survivor adopted from ARF is a living protest against the cruelty and fraud of the retail pet trade whose practices are deliberately kept from the public.
ARF urges our supporters in New York State to support A4283/S1130, which calls for the end to the retail sale of of these animals statewide.
Please contact your Assembly member to say you support this bill.
New York’s leadership can have a powerful impact on the welfare of animals across the nation.
April 14, 2021
Since its founding 1974, ARF has adopted over 27,000 homeless cats and dogs to loving families in New York State. More than 1,000 have come from puppy mills, from which they were essentially discarded when they no longer were profitable as breeding animals. Without question these dogs have suffered a level of neglect and abuse that we would not condone here in our own community.
That is why ARF urges our supporters in New York State to support A4283/S1130, which calls for the end to the retail sale of dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, and rabbits statewide.
Every puppy mill survivor adopted from ARF is a living protest against the cruelty and fraud of the retail pet trade whose practices are deliberately kept from the public. ARF’s volunteers, adopters, and staff know firsthand the extent of abuse these animals bear and the damage caused by the inhumane practices that support the retail trade in pets. The conditions include breeding female dogs every time they are in heat; keeping dogs in wire-bottomed cages, which are barely wide enough for them to turn around and denying medical care to sick and injured animals. Help advance the Puppy Mill Pipeline Bill and put an end to the cruel system that allows out of state puppy mills to sell dogs in New York pet stores.
Together we can make a difference. Join ARF in support of A4283/S1130 because it directly addresses a root cause of animal neglect and cruelty, to which our community cannot turn its back. Please contact your state legislator or assembly member to let them know you are in support of this bill and urge them to do the same.