90 Main Street
Sag Harbor
New York 11963
ARF has partnered with our friends at the Sag Harbor Cinema to bring you the virtual screening of the Turkish film STRAY by Elizabeth Lo.
Told through the eyes of three stray dogs wandering the streets of Istanbul, Stray follows fiercely independent Zeytin, nurturing and protective Nazar, and shy puppy Kartal. Whether they lead us into bustling streets or decrepit ruins, the dogs act as windows into the overlooked corners of society: women in loveless marriages, protesters without arms, refugees without sanctuary. The film is a critical observation of human civilization and a sensory voyage into new ways of seeing.
Use promo code F6REU93JP242W7W to receive $2 off.
Plus, register for a free conversation with the director, Elizabeth Lo, via Zoom on Sunday, March 14th at 5:00pm. Click here to register for the talk.